Strategic Pillar for Change -
Completing Our Neighbourhoods
Our Future Mississauga is a beautiful, sustainable
city with safe neighbourhoods that support a strong,
connected and vibrant community - a place where all
can live, work and prosper. People can play as a child,
walk to meet a friend, fall in love, raise a family
and grow old.
Mississauga is a city that nurtures a unique quality
of life within each neighbourhood, where residents
value the beauty and variety of the natural environment,
engage in active transportation, and support a rich,
healthy and prosperous social and cultural mosaic
through all stages of the life cycle.
Strategic Goals
Develop Walkable, Connected Neighbourhoods -
to develop compact, mixed-use neighbourhoods that
will give residents the ability to engage safely in
all aspects of their everyday lives, within walking
distance and easy access. Evaluate all development
and infrastructure projects against a test of 'pedestrian-first'.
Build Vibrant Communities -
to link urban areas and neighbourhoods that offer
commercial, social, artistic, cultural, civic and
recreational experiences accessible to all.
Create Great Public Spaces -
to provide opportunities for everyone to enjoy great
parks, plazas and unique natural environments.
Celebrate Our Community -
to promote our past, take pride in our diversity,
get excited about the future and celebrate our uniqueness
and innovation through art and culture.
Provide Mobility Choices -
to provide all with the choice to walk, cycle, use
transit or active modes of transportation in all seasons
because it is convenient, connected, desirable and
Build and Maintain Infrastructure -
to deliver infrastructure in a sustainable way.
Nurture "Villages" -
to promote "village" main streets as destinations,
not simply places to pass through.
Maintain a Safe City -
to actively maintain Mississauga as the safest large
city in Canada.
Create a Vibrant Downtown -
to develop a vibrant downtown that will be the civic
and cultural soul of the city, as well as a strong
economic centre.