Strategic Pillar for Change -
Developing a Transit-Oriented City


Our Future Mississauga is a city where people can get around without an automobile and where transit will directly influence and shape the form of the city. Transit will be a desirable choice that connects people to destinations, and will underpin an environmentally responsible, inclusive, vibrant and successful city.


Mississauga is a city that values clean-air and healthy lifestyles through the promotion of transit as a preferred, affordable and accessible choice.

Strategic Goals

Develop Environmental Responsibility -
to contribute to environmental responsibility by reducing private automobile use and developing compact mixed-use development.

Connect Our City -
to contribute to a vibrant, successful city by connecting communities within Mississauga and within the Greater Golden Horseshoe to support a 24 hour city.

Build a Reliable and Convenient System -
to make transit a faster and more affordable alternative to the automobile, one that is frequent, clean, safe, reliable and convenient, with a transit stop within walking distance of every home and an intricate web of higher order transit.

Increase Transportation Capacity -
to add capacity to the transportation system through strategic investments in transit, additional links in the street network and active mobility choices.

Direct Growth -
to direct growth by supporting transit-oriented development policies and deliberate civic actions.


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