Mississauga Library System

Local Archives:

  1. Kahkewaquonaby of the Mississaugas (Peter Jones of ‘The Credit'), compiled by Harry W. Warren, collection of clippings, binder
  2. The transatlantic courtship of the Reverend Peter Jones, The Beaver, Summer 1977
  3. Peter and Eliza Jones: their last years, The Beaver, Winter 1977
  4. Eliza and the Reverend Peter Jones, The Beaver, Autumn 1977 (photocopy)
  5. Augustus Jones, Upper Canada Public Land Surveyor, by Grant Karcich, Families, vol. 22, no. 4, 1983
  6. Cards listing the sources of information on Peter Jones
  7. Peter Jones Collection - listing of holdings at Victoria University Library, August 18, 2009, http://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/special/F17jonesintro.htm