Mississauga Library System

Local Archives:

  1. Cooksville's Royal Personage, Grand Duchess Olga Is Mourned, The Weekly, December 1/1960
  2. The Grand Duchess Olga of Cooksville, by Ian Vorres, Globe Magazine, July 18/1959
  3. 1952 - 1960, notes by Albert Spratt
  4. Duchess to rescue Romanov reputation, Globe Magazine, January 23/1965, laminated copy
  5. Lilacs in the Snow (musical) - programme
  6. Lilacs in the Snow - poster
  7. Grave of Grand Duchess Olga in York Cemetery, photocopy (3 copies)
  8. Romancing the Romanovs, Globe and Mail, August 7/1999
  9. Grand Duchess Olga, by Peter Kurth, from: Tsar: The Lost World of Nicholas and Alexandra (BIOG 947.083 ROMAN)
  10. 2130 Camilla Road, Mississauga home of the Grand Duchess and her husband Nicolai Kulikovsky, photocopy of col. photo in Mississauga Library Photograph Collection, MC0576
  11. Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Romanov, photo
  12. Grand Duchess Olga Romanov in Canada, photo
  13. Grand Duchess Olga and her sister Xenia, Denmark 1925; Olga in Toronto in the 1950's, photos
  14. Romancing the Romanovs, Globe and Mail, August 7/1999, laminated copy
  15. Russia's Last Grand Duchess, Ottawa Citizen, August 23/1999, laminated copy
  16. Patricia Phoenix, Olga Romanov, Russia's Last Grand Duchess, publicity poster
  17. Tales of Russian royalty unveiled at Central Library, Mississauga News, November 3/1999
  18. Biography sheds no new light on Grand Princess Olga, The Citizen's Weekly, n.d.
  19. Deeds to the Campbellville property in Nassagawaya Township, Halton County, purchased by the Grand Duchess Olga and her husband Nicolaj Kulikovsky.
  20. Artifact of Russian royalty up for auction: an elaborate bowl owned by the last grand duchess is expected to sell for $200,000. Ottawa Citizen, March 29, 2006
  21. Forever friends: Denmark seems an unlikely setting for a museum about a Russian Grand Duchess, yet Ballerup was where Tsar Nicholas II’s sister Olga made her home from 1930 until 1948. Majesty October 2006
  22. Another place Olga could never call home. The Booster, June 13, 2007
  23. A home fit for Russian royalty. Toronto Star, November 26, 2014

For a photo of Grand Duchess Olga's home at 2130 Camilla Road, Cooksville, see the Historic Images Gallery